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Social Media has many purposes; connecting friends, sharing news, promoting brands, etc. One bright, revolutionary use of social media is to support charity giving and cause awareness.
Non-profit groups have taken charge of their social media accounts and banded together with celebrities, political leaders, and other prominent influencers, to create charity campaigns aimed at raising funds or awareness for a cause.
These initiatives are very similar to telethons, where the charity group works with key influencers to share a message and prompt action via one particular media outlet. Sometimes these “social media-thons” take place over the course of a specified amount of time. One example is Blog Action Day which occurred on Friday, October 15th, 2010.
The event was created by Change.org with the intent of inspiring conversation and action over the world’s diminishing quantities of fresh water. Conversations took place across blogs, twitter, and other social media venues. According to Change.org, close to 6,000 blogs across 143 countries reached over 41 million readers about our use of water and the great shortage occurring even now.
There are many other means of using social media for social good. Here is a great example, explained in a Mashable news article:
“BroadbandTV Corp. recently launched a YouTube destination to get your social good on. The site, named VISO Give, aggregates pre-existing video content from non-profits, sorts it by company name and type of cause, and lets you watch or search for your favorites.” –
Here’s a VISO Give-featured video by DoSomething.org featuring Nick Cannon, aimed at grade-school children and teenagers. The video advocates that young listeners get involved in expanding environmental consciousness through making changes in school practices, such as eliminating Styrofoam from the cafeteria and turning off computers at the end when not in use.
(Video by DoSomething.org, via VISO Give)
To learn more about cause-supporting social media campaigns, visit the Mashable Social Good page by clicking here.
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